Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Boy and His Dog

After discovering a giant beast in the forest, Owin and Huath prepare to head into the woods to warn a camp of foreigners. His parents watch him go, hoping he stays safe.

Owin's father is a tinkerer/engineer, educated and practical. His mother is a skilled seamstress, knowledgeable in the arts of healing and herbs. The three of them live on a small farm, in the middle of a forest called the Fencewood.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Owin and Huath

The escaping naked prisoner comes back later, as the story shifts its focus.

Owin, the main protagonist, wakes up in his family's farm house, and walks out to the barn to say good morning to his best friend, Huath, a very large dog.

Aw, they love each other.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Mouse Man

After a short Genesis chapter, we introduce an unnamed character imprisoned at the bottom of a gargantuan tower. He befriends a mouse and escapes.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Beginning

Hello there.
This is all about a comic my good friend Alec McGovern and I have been working on for quite some time. We conceived the general idea about five years back, and have been slowly working our way through our first book for the past three years.
As a general introduction, we are avid fans of fiction and comics. Our story is a fantasy adventure epic that follows a young man into adulthood, and the friends he makes and loses along the way in his travels. His name is Owin, and he has a giant pet dog with whom he shares a very special friendship.
This first book is basically an introduction to the lead characters as they meet for the first time, and the world in which they live. We hope to share it with you, possibly get some feedback, and generally get it out there.